
EUR 30,00
available at Nieuw Dakota
More information: Fontana Gallery, Amsterdam,


Ben Garska

Catalogue to the exposition of recent sculptures by Jehoshua Rozenman at the Contemporary Art Center Nieuw Dakota in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2015.

Posted 6 November 2016

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Echoing the layered sculpture at the robust carton cover, the rugged lay-out and made book tells in a very clean and aesthetic way about the sculptures made by Jehoshua Rozenman on the dualities of a city: brutal and beautiful.

Here the sculptures well-photographed and printed take you back to the voyage to the city of Berlin and as Marcel Proust wrote that “the real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes”, these monumental sculptures give you new eyes too! You have seen parts of the works, details, the form, the structure, and the construction but as the reader is no sculpture we stored the images differently, images abstracted in glass, slapping into your face
Impressively shown in this book now, you want to relive both: the sculptures and the city as the Dutch artist Armando called them “Guilty Landscapes”, Berlin, the city where Rozenman now lives and works.

Angela van der Burght

See the Agenda> Nationaal Glasmuseum Leerdam>

See the Agenda> Coda Museum>
What Remains - Between beauty and decay

Click here to download the file "Jehoshua_Rozenman_Resume.pdf".
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