
Figure 1. Momentum 2. Mondgeblazen glas 2014; 35-20-20 cm



Dirk Schrijvers

In 2015 An-Valerie Vandromme (°1993) finishes her master degree at the department ‘Ceramics and Glass art” at the Sint-Lucas Visual Art in Ghent, Belgium.

After finishing her education in Science and Mathematics, she wanted to study Ceramics and had a great interest in sculpting. She enrolled at the Sint Lucas, the only place in Belgium where there is a combined training in Ceramics and Glass, which leads to a unique cross over.

Posted 15 May 2015

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“I did not expect that glass would have such a profound influence on me. It has an enchanting effect and has so many specific qualities, which I like to explore and to purify.”
During her first years of training, the source of inspiration was nature. During her master degree yeas, she left this theme and worked on the border of design and art, and tried to combine both disciplines and give them a place in the art world (Figure 1, figure 2). She also started to create performances, of which “ Cane Crash” was first executed during the festival “Tumult” (Figure 3). She wanted to incorporate auditive and visual aspects for the viewer: the image was constantly growing, while the listeners were intrigued by an unrecognizable sound.
Her master degree project is a new performance, incorporation video projections of older performances and she works on the theme of natural energies, that are found and worked with during glass blowing.
“I want to visualize the energy of our own body, the energy of the glass, our breathing but also gravity. These are the elements around which I build my performance. The image develops by the action, but the action by itself is also an sculpture. I base myself on the statement of Giuseppe Penone: “The act of breathing, is already a sculptural act.” I am in search of how to visualize natural energies; how breathing can be translated in a sculptural act.”
She did find the training at Sint-Lucas Visual Art very interesting but would also have liked to get some more design-directed education. The possibility of participating in the Erasmus project, during which students are given the opportunity to study abroad was especially enriching and showed the limitations of the Belgian Glass art scene. In future she wants to study glass techniques abroad and want to start a collective with other artists to produce design in glass and ceramics.

Figure 2. Momentum 1. Mondgeblazen glas 2014; 35-20-20 cm

The graduation show of An-Valerie Vandromme is on June 27th and 28th 2015 at Academische Bachelor-en Master opleiding Beeldende kunst
Campus Sint-Lucas Gent
Zwartezustersstraat 34
B-9000 Gent

Figure 3. Performance “Crane Crash” 2015

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