With cool, arranged photos in a kind of Russian Romanticism and Symbolism Genre, the figures and clothes are fused into the landscapes, the text opens with: “Fashion doesn’t have it easy these days”. Mahret Kupca explains in On The Brink of An Abyss that fashion is “essentially something highly contradictory. The only reliable thing about it is its unreliability. In the form of clothing, each season it once again formulates the measure of all things, only to replace it a few months later with a different such measure.”
Every two years, The Nordic Fashion Biennale unites designers from a part of the world of which the natural living environment has always made extreme demands on those who live in it.
In the essay The Weather Diaries the artists Cooper & Gorfer and curators of the exposition describe the Icelandic atmosphere, the stories told, the mythical nature, and their first artistic project and the creation of their first book. Investigating fashion for two years in the West Nordic Region of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, the main focus became to study how the cultural heritage and the place one grew up influenced one’s personal creative personality.
After the photo pages on Bibi Chemnitz, Nikolaj Kristensen, Guðrun & Guðrun, Najannguaq Lennert, Jessie Kleemann, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir a.k.a. Shoplifter, Barbara Í Gongini, Steinunn, Jör, Kría, Mundi, some pages follow with weather diaries with photos of illustrative weather phenomena.
The interviews with Mundi, Guðrun, Jessie, Johanna; the thoughts and reflections of Bibi Chemnitz & David Røgilds; an essay on Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir a.k.a. Shoplifter, and Guðmundur Jörundsson/Jör, Nikolaj Kristensen, Barbara Í Gongini, Najannguaq Lennert, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir/Steinunn, Rannvá Káradóttir & Marianna Mørkøre/Rammatik, Rúrí describes the personal drive and motivation for their work and the book closes with pages on the designers and artists featuring the book and the Nordic House Iceland.
I am glad this book contradicts ? how it is made with so much drive, attention and skills ? the latest interview by Marie-Dominique Lelièvre from the French journal Libération with Lidewij Edelkoort published in Dutch in Lage Landen nr. 79, 4-18 June 2015, on her anti-fashion manifest:
So, read this well-made book and enjoy the message before you go and see the expositions with the same title.
Angela van der Burght