If you don’t want to fall in love with glass, better not read this book!
As always Marc Heiremans did a great job in collecting the best material as glass works on photos where the glass seams to be stored with light. With chapters as Foreword, History, Works, Archive, Model list and Techniques, the Index of Names and Companies closes this monumental book. Well-designed and printed the book is like a book should be: generous, well-organized and a feast for the eye and mind. As the Foreword by Lutz H. Holz opens explaining that the book you hold in your hands is a result of a great deal of enthusiasm, meticulous research and a generous dose of good luck, I would like to add a vast body of knowledge and mastery of the history of this special archive, factory and its designers, the techniques and the collections. Together with the designs this book is a treasury of information all should read and study and for the collector a standard work to give his collecting a serious foundation.
Angela van der Burght