The Awards:
Jutta Cuny-Franz Memorial Award
Anjali Srinivasan (b. 1978)
Talent Awards
Thomas Kuhn (b. 1986)
Madisyn Zabel (b. 1992)
Honorary Diplomas
Ruifeng Guo (b. 1990)
Anne Vibeke Mou (b. 1978)
Antje Plath (b. 1984)
Elina Salonen (b. 1982)
Leo Tecosky (b. 1981)
This year's award ceremony will be accompanied by an artistic event by the award winner, and a small cabinet exhibition at the Glasmuseum Hentrich.
The Jutta Cuny-Franz Foundation supports artists who make significant use of glass in their work. The foundation‘s main instrument is the award of prizes every two years. The Jutta Cuny-Franz Memorial Award is endowed with 10,000 Euro.
Museum Kunstpalast
Glasmuseum Hentrich
Ehrenhof 4
40479 Düsseldorf, Germany
+49 (0)211 566 42 100