Kathleen Van Geyt. Almost not drowning
In 2017, 5 students are graduating at the department “Glaskunst” of the “Academie van Berchem” and 2 students finish their year of specialization.
Posted 1 May 2017
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Kathleen Van Geyt
Kathleen Van Geyt (°1983) studied Human Sciences, Orthopedagogic section and got a training in analogue photography, before starting her education at the glass department.
She was intrigued by the concept of light and shadow, lines and planes and this led her in the first time to photography. However she got frustrated by its limitations, mainly its flatness and 2-dimensiality. She wanted to work 3-dimensionally so that the light or the absence of light might play a bigger role in her pieces. This was why she started the glass training.
A continuing theme in her work is unity. “I feel an interaction with everything around me and I am continuously influenced by it. I am fascinated by its dynamics and surprises and the fact that one never is able to control everything, but one is always a part of the whole. One is formed by the environment and this makes life more intense”
Her graduation project is called “Reflections” and focusses on the fact that everything is a reflection of something else because the relationship between cause and consequence. They attract and repel each other and it is case to stay upright. Reflections create a world within the world; one layer in another. They are united by the intricate play of lines but are apparently independent of each other.”
The forms she uses to construct her work are coming from nature because of its universal dynamic idiom. The slumped glass objects are placed on a black plane and their reflections complement the image she wants to create, making the image stronger.
Gusta Brughmans. No title
Gusta Brughmans
Gusta Brughmans (°1948) worked her whole life in a shop for seeds for gardens and animals. After her pension, she wanted a new challenge and she enrolled in the glass department to fill her time. She quickly learned that the material glass was not easy to use and she adapted her method of working to use it in an optimal way.
She is graduating with an installation based on a prior work, combining paper with glass. Her work is composed of paper bags, glass structures based on paper bags and container for seeds. The form-melted glass has a white coating expect for the top, which enables the viewer to look inside and discover its content. Her objects are very recognizable and incoporate a constructivist feeling.
Leen de Bruyne
Leen de Bruyne (°1955) presents for her specialization year 2 installations composed out of pâte-de-verre elements. She started working with glass based on her fascination with the material and the process of glass blowing, resulting in an object incorporating contradicting aspects such as light versus heavy, hard versus fragile, solid versus liquid.
In her work she wants to express inter-human relationships, in which her own emotions and impressions play an important role. She is inspired by the world she lives in: humans, animals, plants, and the relationship among them.
Her installations shows the contact between internal and external feelings. The inside of the pâte-de-verre fragments is made up of bright and strong red and yellow colors; the outside of the fragments is dark. The pieces can be combined with the dark skin in a continuous line and decorated with a head-like structure, giving it the aspect of a reptile. When the pieces are places in an open construction, the explosion of colors dictate the feeling, which expresses happiness, life and the goodness that is present in everyone.