Geez, what a book of weight the book Czech Glass is, as the Czech glass history weights on glass art!
Published on occasion of the first edition the ESGAA (European Studio Glass art Association) then wrote:
Czech Glass is the first publication of this scope to explain the key factors and circumstances of the development of this world phenomenon – Czech individual glassmaking - over the past 55 years. The author, Sylva Petrová, a world-renowned authority in the field of modern glass and currently professor at the University of Sunderland, England, has drawn on her 15 years professional and personal experience of Czech glass as well as on much little-known archival material and the reminiscences of glassmakers themselves. A major feature of the book are the contributions by some thirty leading photographers, headed by Gabriel Urbánek (a total of 339 illustrations), and the graphic artist Rostislav Van?k. The book, which includes extensive documentary material is published in a Czech and English version by Jaroslav Ko?án’s Gallery publishing house in collaboration with Prague’s Museum of Applied Arts and the International Institute for Glass Research at the University of Sunderland.
With the best photo’s one can wish for, Petrova cast with this release a fresh light.To use the opportunity replacing the same book drowned in 2002 during a devastating flood of the river the Moldau in Prague. After years of looking for funds and a publisher for the book an additional program from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, based on he Studio Glass movement after the 2nd World War, it presents a selected range of themes, phenomenon and issues proving an comprehensive overview on glass sculptures, glass in architecture and flat glass and Studio glass.
A book to my hart, every one should study to understand the importance of the Grand old lady Petrova and the Czech glass.It will be on display in my library ready to grab with each new question.
Angela van der Burght