Presentation Design September, the annual event which has become an absolute must for design enthusiasts, brings together more than 100 cultural and commercial events in Brussels. For a whole month, the city becomes the platform for meeting numerous Belgian designers as well as being open to international designers. For its seventh anniversary, the festival will focus on the different uses for design and the multidisciplinary interactions between different design applications, such as furniture design, architecture and graphic and textile design… The cultural side of Design September is celebrated through a wealth of top-quality events provided by numerous associations and independent organizations: exhibitions, conferences, a design market, a Pecha Kucha presentation, visits to the workshops of Brussels designers, etc. As is the case every year, a whole host of newly emerging creators take part in this urban event.
During one month emblematic design boutiques, pop-up shops and flagship stores will showcase an individual brand and/or a designer and that designer’s new products.
This year, Commerce Design Brussels will take place in synergy with Brussels Design September. Based on the initiative taken by the Town of Montreal in 1995, the Commerce Design Brussels contest encourages, like in other cities, cooperation between shops and design professionals within the Brussels region. The support provided by Atrium and Mad Brussels makes it possible to reach a wide target audience of shopkeepers and designers within Brussels. From 2013 on, the prize will be awarded annually, instead of once every two years, to keep pace with the dynamics and changes in shop designs in the city of Brussels.
New features:
Commerce Design Award
In the beginning of September we will announce the 10 winners of the Commerce Design Awards Brussels. During the month of September the public will be able to vote for their favourite shop that is newly made or restored by a designer, or (interior) architect.
Creative platforms
Several Creative Platforms will take place this year. Recyclart will present 4 different events including Wast’up, Last Song, Pecha Kucha, Julie Calbert and an information point for the festival. Bortier will present 5 different actions including, a popup studio of Maion Fabre at Les Sagas, Seat & read, Crypte tonique will show their last creations, and the Fernand Baudin price will present a retrospective of the last few years. The ‘revival’ of this beautiful, but forgotten gallery is taken care of by Les Sagas with a very historacaly integrated concept ‘ One object, One story’.
Participation of newly created or young Belgian brands
Marina Bautier launches her new label Maison MA in Mai 2013 and will present her collection during the Open Doors of Brussels Design September. Lina dura and Liparus will be represented in the studio of Mathias van de Walle. Objekten exemplifies a new generation of european labels and will present their new products in the Châteaux d’eau du Bois de la Cambre. And last but certenly not least their is Makers With Agendas. MWA will be launched in September and is founded by Julien de Smedt and William Ravn. The new serie of products will fit very nicley in ou new society. « Through observation, research and (a good amount of) curiosity we discover quirks, peculiarities and insights in unexpected places. “
The road to produce: old techniques, drawings, habits inspire new creations en are combined with new technologies, materials and typologies… our (Belgian) Know how is constantly evolving. As a general theme (like each year) the designers and events will present new techniques, process to production, and know how to the public. New and old (family) techniques are explored in all the areas: industrial design, textile design, graphic design, and architecture…
Les Sagas presents products with a family history and know how,. One& Only will open a textile popup studio and shop in Bloom Hotel, Linda Topic explores Marc Van Hoe’s exceptional Art Nouveau collection of drawings in order to give new life trough new realisations. 10 young designers will word together with Eternum to each create a new cutlery collection. Linda Topic & Antonin Bachet will expose their felt carpets at Wabi Sabi Arts & Crafts and MAD Brussels will show a collection about projects MAD ( e ) in Brussels. These few projects are only a small part off the 120 events.
Design September, an international platform
Hong Kong will be showing some very nice designer at The Egg and they are also official partner of Brussels Design September 2013, The Czech Republic will present some hidden factories, Poland will show a great collection of Posters at Bozar, Hungary will exhibit graphic designers whom are working on revival of traditions and embroidery, Portugal will present several designers that are creating products in the ‘Marolles’, 2 Spanish designers based in England will show their work at Rue de La Senne… and like each year 5 designers from the four corners of Europe will give a lecture at Flagey.
Château Meisenthal
February 2013. 13 students meet at the Meisenthal glass center in the Northern Vosges for a one-week workshop. 7 students from ENSAV La Cambre, 6 from HBK Saarbrücken. The idea of the workshop was to work on glass containers for wine, to observe wine habits, rituals and current codes, with the aim of designing new forms but for a local context, within a dynamic where knowledges of winemakers share those of glassmakers. From this close relation may then born the cultural identity of a wine and the singularity of its "bottle". In our globalized context, how to give body to these new crafts and wine-making identities, sensitive to men and terroirs.
The CIAV-Meisenthal is a unique place, combining conservation and promotion of traditional glass blowers techniques to the eyes of contemporary artists. The list of artists and designers who have collaborated with them is long and prestigious. Witness of the glorious past of the glass industry in the region, the CIVA, among other activities, is on a mission to save this heritage by acquiring little by little molds belonging to industries that were once in activity. Their collection is, as such, impressive and stirring. We have chosen to start our research with these molds, some of them rarely used, others completely forgotten.
More info:
Designer of the year – Jean François d’Or
Jean-François D'Or exposera une installation au Bozar et toute son œuvre à Grand Hornu. Le verdict est tombé : le Bruxellois Jean-François D'Or est notre Designer de l'année 2013 ! Il a séduit le jury par son « mélange de rigueur et de poésie » combiné à une constante recherche de l'essentiel, une alchimie toute personnelle qui lui a permis, à seulement 38 ans, de s'imposer comme une valeur sûre du design belge.
D'un naturel posé mais allergique à l'ennui, il multiplie les projets, du fusil de chasse au paillasson, et donne aux objets du quotidien une dimension aussi ludique que raffinée, sans jamais en sacrifier la fonctionnalité. Des éditeurs tels que Droog Design ou Ligne Roset ne s'y sont pas trompés, pas plus que notre jury de haut vol, composé des rédactions du Vif Weekend et de Knack Weekend, de Lowie Vermeersch (Biennale Interieur) ainsi que de Delphine Vercauteren (Brussels Design September), Marie Pok (Grand-Hornu Images), Dieter Van Den Storm (Bozar), et Lieven Daenens (Design Museum de Gand).
BACKGROUND : Bouleversé par la découverte du surréalisme, il réussit son master en design industriel en chantonnant La Complainte du progrès de Vian. Après quelques mois à New York dans le design textile, il passe trois ans dans le design office de Light, avec Hans de Pelsmacker et Maarten Van Severen, et ouvre enfin Loudordesign studio en 2003.
SON STYLE : Si la notion de style intervient peu dans le travail de Jean-François D'Or, pour qui le design est « avant tout une affaire de bon sens ; il faut penser et donner réponse à tout », ses productions sont reconnaissables par l'élégance de leur lignes et le dialogue permanent entre fonction et émotion.
SA DEMARCHE : Calme et lente. A la fois concentré et tête en l'air, il « cherche les chaussettes rayées de Jacques Tati en sifflotant Satie ou Debussy ».
SA DEVISE : « Compliquer est simple, simplifier est compliqué », de Bruno Munari.
SON ACTU : De nouvelles créations pour Ligne Roset, une collection de lunettes et de nombreux projets dans les cartons, dont une exposition à Grand-Hornu Images.
This award has been founded by Knack Weekend Le Vif and Interieur Biennale Kortrijk.
Château Meisenthal (ENSAV La Cambre, Design Industriel / HBKsaar)
Rue Ravenstein 23
Tue – Fri 11h00 – 18h00 &
Thu 13h00 – 18h00
+32 (0)2-5078200