The idea behind this program follows the worldwide educational trend that combines Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) with the Arts (STEAM) in the hope that it will accelerate the development of new expressive forms. Project proposals are open for ideas such as: new materials, production techniques, safe shipping techniques, new tools, adhesives, ways to create glass sculpture animated with electronics… and beyond, limited only by the imagination of our artists. Applicants must provide a clear and detailed description of their proposed project that includes ways in which the project may benefit the field of glass art, as well as a proposed timeline and budget. The only additional requirement is to share this knowledge with the GAS membership at a subsequent GAS conference.
The TAG Grant has been made possible through a generous donation by longtime glass collectors and supporters of GAS, Ted and Melissa Lagreid. The couple approached GAS with the desire to do something to help the glass arts community at large. A GAS Committee of interested members then decided to create an annual grant program and a competition to receive the grant. Committee members include Rik Allen, Peter Houk, Ted Lagreid and Wayne Strattman.
Completed applications must be submitted online through the GAS website by July 31, 2014. You must be a current member of GAS in order to be eligible for the grant. The TAG committee will evaluate the applications over the summer and announce the winner in the fall.
See conditions and more information and to download the application form, visit
6512 23rd AVE NW, STE 329
+1 (206) 382-1305