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Posted 3 October 2014
Rotterdam Markhal opened October 1, 2014: a mix of housing and markt
Posted 3 October 2014
Tomaso Buzzi alla Venini  14/9/2014-11/1/2015    A joint project of Fondazione Giorgio Cini and Pentagram Stiftung   Le...
Posted 2 October 2014
The Glass Art Society (GAS) announces the recipients of its new Technology Advancing Glass lecture fund. Anna Mlasowksy, top recipient, will receive...
Posted 2 October 2014
I Santillana 18/11/2014-8/2/2015 Laura de Santillana and Alessandro Diaz de Santillana have chosen glass as their medium, and their work is...
Posted 2 October 2014
Craftsmanship is an expression of quality, passion, and mindset. This book is a showcase of crafted products created by small manufacturers...
Posted 1 October 2014
JEAN-MICHEL OTHONIEL 29/5/2014-2/11/2014 2014 est une nouvelle étape dans la programmation culturelle de l’Hôtel-Dieu du...
Posted 30 September 2014
The Eye of the Needle English embroideries from the Feller collection 1/8/2014-12/10/2014   The Eye of the Needle displays, for the first...
Posted 30 September 2014
TOP GEMAAKT Op 2, 3 en 4 oktober 2014 is de feestelijke lancering van het platform van werkplaatsen voor kunstenaars en ontwerpers (in welke...
Posted 28 September 2014
Peter Layton 11/10/2014-4/11/2014 Peter Layton the Founding father of British Glass
Posted 27 September 2014
Nicely made catalogue showing all works in the exposition Captive light 4/10/2014-30/11/2014, with full page photos with the works by Tjok...
Posted 25 September 2014
The Particle Plan, a collaborative project between four Dutch studios with various disciplines in the creative industry, developed the winning...
Posted 25 September 2014
BODYTALK 12/10/2014-15/3/2015 Het GLAZENHUIS nodigt u graag uit op zaterdag 11 oktober 2014 om 19.30u voor de officiële opening van de...
Posted 25 September 2014
The artist Ann Wolff understands just how to use the wealth of variations in glass in order to create expressive sculptures. Her work revolves around...
Posted 24 September 2014
This book Secret Garden is the second photo book by Marc Mulders on the splendid nature around his atelier on the Baest estate and its...
Posted 24 September 2014
25/10/2014 CONTOURS is an international symposium which will bring together speakers from Ireland and aboard. This one day event will focus on...
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